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Hosting on an NVMe disk array is ideal for Internet projects that require increased performance.









Software stack
  • Apache 2.4
  • NGINX 1.27
  • PHP 7.0 - 8.3
  • MySQL 8
  • PostgreSQL 10
  • Perl, Python, Ruby
Security and access
  • SSH
  • SFTP (Secure FTP)
  • WebDAV
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Automatic malware/virus scanning
Site Tools
  • htaccess (mod_rewrite)
  • cron jobs
  • Custom error pages (404, 403, etc)
  • ImageMagick
  • GD, CURL
  • Zend Optimizer, Ioncube
Development tools
  • Git
  • Composer
  • wp-cli
  • Drush
  • node.js
  • others on request
  • Unlimited Email Domains
  • POP, IMAP and SMTP
  • Webmail access
  • Filter incoming spam
  • Outbound spam filtering
  • Hewlett-Packard Servers
  • Raid 10
  • Intel NVMe Enterprise
  • 2 power supplies
  • HP SmartMemory
  • 1 Gbps access channel
It is very easy to buy hosting on our website - make a choice of a package of services suitable for your needs. Make a request and pay for services via online payment or by bank transfer. Within a few minutes you will receive the necessary access to the server in order to host the site. Using the services of uaVPS you will always be sure that the safety of your data will be carried out through reliable equipment and the creation of regular backups.

Frequently asked questions

What is NVMe shared hosting?
NVMe hosting is a modern product designed for downloaded websites or online stores that need to constantly ensure maximum performance. Thanks to the Intel NVMe Enterprise-class disk subsystem, you will enjoy the performance of your sites.
Can I host multiple sites in one hosting plan?
Is there a money back guarantee?
Can I switch to a larger tariff plan?
Is my data safe? Are you making backups?
Is there virus protection?

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